Can | Can't | Moving out | More info

Everything below applies to all methods of smoking: cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bongs, hookahs, e-cigarettes, any method of vaping, anything else that we forgot, and anything invented in the future.

Where can I smoke?

[ Smoking permitted sign image ]

You can smoke in two general places: 1) in your apartment, and 2) outside, away from the buildings.

When in your apartment, do everything you can to keep the smoke away from neighbors. Other people smelling it is almost guaranteed to generate complaints. Open windows, the apartment air conditioners can be set to Fan mode to recirculate inside air (clean the filter regularly), the range hood or microwave exhaust fan, get a window fan that can blow it outside, damp towel at the base of your front door... whatever works.

Outside, do not ever smoke directly in front of an entrance door (state law), and try to avoid smoking too close to any apartment windows.

Where can't I smoke?

[ Smoking prohibited sign image ]

NJ state law - you can not smoke in any "common areas", including, but not limited to:

  • Outside in front of an entrance door
  • Outside in front of the laundry room door
  • Inside, in an entrance stairwell
  • Inside, in the laundry room
  • Inside, in any utility rooms (which you are not allowed to enter anyway)
  • ...or any other "common area" not listed here

Do not ever prop the 2-apartment entry door opened when smoking outside.

Do not ever dump out an ashtray or leave cigarette butts outside. Make sure they are 100% extinguished, then throw them out in the garbage inside your apartment.

Outside, please avoid the apartment windows at the front-left corner of the building, especially early in the morning or late at night, those are all bedroom windows, and some may be opened. Same goes for the back yard, all of those are bedroom windows. If you smoke in the back yard for some reason, stay as far back as you can, so it will dissipate without going in someone's window.

Smoking-related charges at move-out

If you smoke inside your apartment, there's a good chance that you will have to pay for "excessive cleaning", because it will coat all appliances, light fixtures, cabinets, and other surfaces - if you do not clean all of it off, Lord Essex Apartments / Affiliated Management will have to pay someone else to do that, and that cost would be passed on to you.

You may also be charged for extra painting. Certainly if there is a smell, but also because the smoke/nicotine coating on the walls and ceiling can prevent new paint from sticking. If that is the case, the entire apartment would have to get a coat of oil base stain blocker primer (the extra part), then regular painting can resume after that. This would result in additional paint and supplies, and at least an additional day of painting, so again, that cost would be passed on to you.

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Last updated: August 17, 2024