

Garbage, Trash, Rubbish, Refuse, Litter, Waste

[Garbage can image]


Nothing is ever picked up from the ground
Dumpsters are lifted by a truck

Garbage dumpster

The garbage dumpster is emptied out every Monday and Thursday.

  • Tie all bags closed
  • Try to avoid putting sharp objects in garbage bags that will tear open the bag
  • Put broken glass in a paper bag or box, bend metal coat hangers inward, etc.
  • If you have a box filled with garbage, tape it closed with masking tape, blue or green painter's tape
  • Make sure the dumpster lids are closed at all times to keep animals out
  • Do not put bulk items or anything else on the pavement in the dumpster area. Everything in the dumpster area must be in the dumpster. Specific bulk items must be placed at the curb for specific Montclair Bulk Collection days. See Bulk Collection for more information.
  • As of January 2011, it is against the law to put electronics in the garbage in the State of New Jersey. See below for recycling information or donation options
  • Always leave the lids down - rodents, squirrels, racoons, the smell...
  • If you are still not sure what to do with something, see the list below or contact the Resident Managers

Montclair Bulk Collection Day


[Recycling logo]

The Montclair Dept of Community Services yard is located at 219 N Fullerton Ave in Montclair.

Effective the week of March 15, 2021 - Wednesday and Friday drop-off has been eliminated, curbside recycling has resumed.
Effective Saturday, April 3, 2021 - DCS yard recycling drop-off is 9am-1pm

For more information see:
Twitter @MontclairNJGov announcement 03/11
Twitter @MontclairNJGov announcement 03/03
Twitter @MontclairNJGov announcement 02/24
Montclair Township: Township COVID-19 Information
Montclair Township: Garbage, Recycling, Bulky Waste
Montclair Township: Community Services Calendar
or call Montclair Community Services at 973-509-5711.

All recycling listed on the sign on it goes in the recycling dumpster. See the sign on the front for specific items. The recycling dumpster is emptied out every Monday and Thursday.


Try to break down boxes flat so we don't fill up the recycling dumpster so quickly. Put anything that was inside a cardboard box, other than other cardboard, in the garbage dumpster. A utility knife, aka. "box cutter" will make it much easier to break down boxes, but you may be able to do it by hand after you separate it at the seam.

Commingled recycling

Dump cans, bottles, etc. directly in to the dumpster. If you brought it out in a bag, dump it out in to the (blue, right-side) recycling dumpster, then throw out the bag in the (black, left-side) garbage dumpster.

See also: Montclair Township: Recycling Information
We use a private dumpster company, but the Montclair site has lots of useful general recycling information.

Mixed paper

As far as we know, to have paper recycled, drop it off at 219 North Fullerton Ave on Saturday from 9am-1pm. See the Montclair Township web site recycling page for specific types of mixed paper that are acceptable.

Plastic bags, wrap, film, air pillows, ...

Anything that falls under the description of "plastic film" can be recycled, but not by Montclair recycling or our dumpster company. This includes air pillows, newspaper bags, grocery & retail bags (#2 or #4), case wrap (e.g. for a case of water bottles), bread bags, napkin, PT, TP, or diaper wrap packaging, supermarket produce bags, food storage bags (e.g. Ziploc bags).

Remove address labels, let air dry, shake crumbs or any other loose debris out, then drop off anything listed in the flyer at ShopRite, Target, Kohl's, Whole Foods Market, Walmart, Wegmans, ...

Go to then Store Drop-off for more information.


Paper Shredding (and recycling)

Old dates left here so you can possibly guess a future date not listed yet...

Household Hazardous Waste

Some of it will not be recyclable, but it will be properly disposed of...


CFL light bulbs


July 12, 2023: Styrofoam recycling has been temporarily suspended - the recycling plant that Montclair has been using has closed after 80 years of business. Styroam should go out with garbage (in the black garbage dumpster) until they resume styrofoam recycling.

The Township of Montclair and the Montclair Environment Commission announced a pilot program to offer styrofoam recycling in June and July 2021. It now continues to be every other Saturday at the DCS yard at 219 N Fullerton Ave until the collection truck is full. E-mail for more info about styrofoam recycling. The schedule showing which week it occurs is located here:
Community Services Calendar

See also:
Styrofoam Recycling Drop-off
Montclair Environmental Commission
Montclair Township: A to Z Disposal Guide

Bulk Collection

Montclair Bulk Waste Collection is every month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
The next one is February 5, 2025
...unless it falls on a holiday

After COVID-19 shutdown, bulk collection resumed as of May 6, 2020

If you can not wait until the next bulk collection day, contact us and we can give you the contact info for a waste removal company. It will not be free, but you will not have to wait until the next bulk collection day. You can also donate it, sell it, or recycle it.

Upcoming Bulk Collection Days

The day may change if it falls on a holiday or during a snow storm. If that happens, we will list it on the Calendar page.

Actual pickup dayWhen to put it out
The first Wednesday of February 2025 is February 5thAfter 6pm on Tue, Feb 4th + before 6am on Wed, Feb 5th
The third Wednesday of February 2025 is February 19thAfter 6pm on Tue, Feb 18th + before 6am on Wed, Feb 19th
The first Wednesday of March 2025 is March 5thAfter 6pm on Tue, Mar 4th + before 6am on Wed, Mar 5th
The third Wednesday of March 2025 is March 19thAfter 6pm on Tue, Mar 18th + before 6am on Wed, Mar 19th
The first Wednesday of April 2025 is April 2ndAfter 6pm on Tue, Apr 1st + before 6am on Wed, Apr 2nd
The third Wednesday of April 2025 is April 16thAfter 6pm on Tue, Apr 15th + before 6am on Wed, Apr 16th


Go to the Donate page

What should I do with...?

This info is based on what we have experienced as tenants and Resident Managers. If you want the official latest answer on anything, contact Montclair Community Services (973-509-5711) and they will find out for you. Make sure you specify that you live in an apartment complex, not a house.

See the Montclair Township A to Z Disposal Guide

Garbage bags Make sure you tie them closed, then place in the garbage dumpster. See Garbage above.
Loose garbageGarbage in your apartment
Egg cartons - the styrofoam kindGarbage in your apartment
Egg cartons - the paper-based kindGarbage?
Non-plastic milk & OJ containersGarbage in your apartment
Bottles, cans, plastic containers Rinse out then dump in to the recycling dumpster. If you bring it out in a bag, dump out the bag, throw the bag away (or re-use it again). See Recycling above
Cardboard At home, remove (put in your garbage) everything from it that is not cardboard
Place in recycling dumpster, preferably broken down flat
See Recycling above
Magazines/newspaper Garbage in your apartment, or Montclair recycling. The dumpster company does not take paper. See Recycling above.
Plastic bags:
Air pillows, food storage bags, retail bags, produce bags, newspaper bags, case wrap, napkin, PT, TP, or diaper wrap, bread bags, dry cleaning bags
Drop off at ShopRite, Target, Kohl's, Whole Foods Market
A small lampGarbage dumpster
A large lampBulk Collection Day - see Bulk items above
Rugs If small, roll it up, tape with duct or electrical tape, and put in garbage dumpster. If large, put out for Bulk Collection Day - see Bulk items above
Headboard, footboard
Box spring (in a plastic bag)
Night table
Coffee table
Floor lamp
See Montclair's list
Bulk Collection Day - see Bulk items above
Headboard, footboard
Bulk Collection Day - see Bulk items above
Mattress/box spring Bulk Collection Day - see Bulk items above
or better yet, get whoever delivers your new mattress to take it
Christmas tree (real) Place bare tree at curb, not blocked by parked vehicles if possible. They will be collected each week through January. Stands, plastic bag covers, and all decorations must be removed. Call Montclair Township for pickup date, all we know is that they will be picked up "each week". Contact us 24+ hours in advance if you would like a heavy duty garbage bag to place over the ends to contain needles as you bring it out (remove the bags when at the curb).
Computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, telephone equipment, speakers, TVs, VCRs, DVD/Blu-ray, stereos, toasters, irons, old cell phones, ...
Donate, trade/sell it, or bring to Essex County Computer & Electronics Recycling Day in May and October
* As of January 2011, it is no longer legal to put these items in the garbage in NJ
Fire extinguisher
Single-use personal
Bring to Essex County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in May and October
Pesticide, herbicide, paint thinner/solvent, oil based paint (not latex), spray paint, some batteries, some automotive fluids, paint thinners & solvents, ...Bring to Essex County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day
In May and October
Paint - latex Take the lid off, let it dry out completely (for days), then put the paint can in the garbage dumpster. If you can't wait for it to dry, look for paint hardener at Home Depot, a hardware store, or Amazon.
Paint - oilBring to Essex County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in May and October
Tires Call Montclair Township DCS 973-509-5711 for details or see the web site. Pay fee, drop off at community services yard.
Essex County Used Tire Recycling Day
Previous one PDF flyer here
Appliances with refrigerant (A/C, refrigerator, etc.) Call Montclair Township for details 973-509-5711 or see the web site's Appliances page
Pay for recycling stickers, place at curb before scheduled date
Broken glassCarefully place broken glass in a box or thick paper bag, tape or staple it closed, write BROKEN GLASS all over it, place in the garbage dumpster
CFL light bulbsSee "What should I do with CFL (curly) bulbs" on our FAQ page
ClothingDonate it or put in a tied garbage bag, then put that bag in the garbage dumpster
Wire coat hangers Bring back to your drycleaner
or drop off at Montclair Dept of Community Services yard during drop-off days/times.
See Recycling above
Anything elseAsk the Resident Managers

Other Options/Info

If you find any of the above information to be outdated or incorrect, let us know.