If it's medical, criminal or fire related, Call 911

This is the "Lord Essex Apartments" apartment complex
Address: 345 Claremont Ave, Montclair

If emergency personnel police/fire/EMS need to reach us, they can try knocking on our door (1A) - but our white noise machine may prevent us from hearing that at night, or they can call the residents-only number that you call to leave us voicemail or a text (voicemail there will wake us up), or they can leave a message on the answering machine 973-746-8696 (which will not wake us up), or they can call Affiliated Management 973-992-1555 (off-hours answering service) and then whoever is on call can reach us.

If not 911 worthy, but it is an emergency, contact the Resident Managers.
Skip down to Contacting us in an emergency

Future emergency info



If you see fire or smoke inside or outside of the building, if you fear for your safety, if you need an ambulance, or anything like that, call 911 immediately. Make sure you tell them that you are located at the Lord Essex Apartments apartment complex, which is at 345 Claremont Ave in Montclair. Then let us know so we are aware of it.


Gas/natural gas/methane does not have a smell. Something is added to it so you can smell the additive.

Pilot light:
If you suspect there is a minor issue, like you have a stove/oven with pilot light and it is out, and you don't know how to re-light it, open all of your windows and then contact the Resident Managers. Leave voicemail at the residents phone # 24/7.

Gas smell outside:
If you smell gas outside, make note of the exact time and exact location and contact PSE&G at 800-880-7734. That # is for gas leaks & emergencies, their normal non-emergency number is 800-436-7734. Then leave a voicemail for the Resident Managers at the residents phone # 24/7.

Gas smell inside:
If you smell gas inside your apartment, inside your entrance stairwell, inside a garage, inside the laundry room, etc. but do not know where it is coming from, call 911, then leave a voicemail for the Resident Managers at the residents phone # 24/7. If necessary, the fire department dispatcher will contact PSE&G.

Power outage

See our FAQ page for info about what to do in a power outage. This would only be an emergency situation if you have life-saving medication such as insulin that needs to be refrigerated, or something like that.

Plumbing emergency

If a pipe bursts in your apartment, your bathtub, toilet, or sink backs up so badly that you can't fix it with your plunger, contact us. We have plungers and snakes and all that, and if we can't fix it, we will contact plumbers, sewer/drain company, or whatever is relevant. ...and we can shut off the water, we have mops, a wet vac, etc.


If the fire department is on site and you have a cat, best thing to do would probably be to put your cat in a carrier, then leave your cat in your car (with a window cracked or A/C turned on) until we get the all clear. If possible, it's a good idea to keep a bag of food and other cat supplies somewhere in your apartment in case of emergency.

If there is a fire, we will notify the fire department of every apartment that we are aware of that has a cat.

If your cat or other approved pet is having an emergency situation and needs veterinary care, but your regular vet is closed:

Other pet-related emergency resources:

Contacting us in an emergency

To contact the Resident Managers in a genuine emergency, or whoever is on call if they are away:

  1. Call instead of knocking on our door whenever possible. If you see fire, smoke, flood, or police/fire/EMS are on site, then you can contact us however you need to.
  2. Call the residents-only phone # that the Resident Managers and Affiliated Management gave to everyone in two different notices when Jason & Ann started. Leave a detailed voicemail there. That will wake us up off-hours, so make sure it is an emergency.
  3. If we don't get back to you in a few minutes, leave a message on the answering machine, which is a different number: 973-746-8696. This will not wake us up after 10pm or before 8am, but if we are awake and at home, we will hear it.
  4. If you are unable to reach the Resident Managers, after waiting a reasonable amount of time (depends on the emergency), call Affiliated Management at 973-992-1555. The office is open M-F 9am-5pm, and there is an answering service off-hours. There is always someone on call.
    Just make sure you try us first. If you get the answering service, they will call the on-call person, then the on-call person will call us.

There is always someone on call 24/7/365, but there may be moments where we are driving, or have no signal temporarily, or something like that...

What is considered an emergency?

IncidentIs it an emergency?
"...well, it's not really an emergency, but..."No
Police/fire/EMS is in your apartmentYes
See fire or smokeYes
Smell natural gasYes
Significant, active leak under sink or behind toilet
More than a pan or bucket can hold until Mon-Fri daytime
Backed up sink/tub/toilet going on to floorYes
Backed up sink/tub not going on to floorNo
Backed up toilet not going on to floorYes, if you have to "go"
Backed up sink/tub/toilet when you were not using itYes
No hot waterYes
Neighbor's smoke/CO detector is going off, not homeYes
No heat (...in the winter)Yes
Water coming out of ceiling/wallYes
Unable to turn of range (stove/oven), cooktop, or in-wall ovenYes
Elderly neighbor fellYes
Something else is happening that will cause damage to the apartmentYes
Neighbor has a DJ with 30 guests at 4amCall PD non-emergency
Shower/faucet slow dripNo
Locked yourself out of your apartmentNo
Someone parked in your spaceNo
Can't open your garageNo
You want to notify us that you have a loaner carNo
You need someone else's phone numberNo
You have a miscellaneous questionNo

Emergency items

Some recommended emergency-related items to get for your apartment now, before an emergency happens and you need them

Emergency, security, health resources


We generally don't get tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes here. When we do they are infrequent and they are usually not very severe. In the in the unlikely event of a natural disaster or terrorist event effecting the Northern New Jersey area, refer to the following resources. See "Emergency resources" above for additional contact info.

The Garden State Parkway is a north-south evacuation route. If you need to evacuate West (Pennsylvania), take 280 West to 80 West, or Bloomfield Ave to 46 West to 80 West.