Happy New Year!

Property info

Property nameLord Essex Apartments
Address345 Claremont Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042
# of buildings4
# of apartments30 (not including Resident Managers')
# of floors2 (not including garages/utility rooms)
Entry systemN/A (garden apartments with external entrance doors)
Parking options Assigned parking space when available
Garage when available
Street parking available except for 2-5am and when snow covered
Elevator No
Laundry facilities 24/7 laundry room in building 1 with coin-operated machines
TV ready Antenna: HDTV over the air possible with a good antenna like a Mohu Leaf
Cable: Yes, Comcast (Xfinity)
Satellite: No
Fiber: Yes, Verizon (FiOS)
Internet ready DSL: Yes, Verizon DSL (if this link stops working, go to www.verizon.com
Cable: Yes, Comcast (Xfinity)
Fiber: Yes, Verizon (FiOS)


Apartment types 1 bedroom, 1 bath (18)
2 bedroom, 2 bath (10)
3 bedroom, 2 bath (2)
(and the Resident Managers' apartment)
Utilities includedHeat, hot water
Furnished/unfurnished Unfurnished
AppliancesAll apartments: Refrigerator, gas range, living room A/C, bedroom A/C
Some apartments: Dishwasher, microwave
FloorSome hardwood, some wall-to-wall carpet
Kitchen typeVaries - galley or room for small table

Lease info

Application fee$25 non-refundable (for credit check) for everyone >= 18
Lease duration1 year
Security deposit1 and ½ months rent


Management company Affiliated Management, Inc (AMI)
Representative: "Property Manager", aka. landlord; oversees multiple properties
On-site management Live-in part-time Resident Managers
Representative: "Resident Manager": aka. superintendant, manager; management of this specific property
Maintenance Resident Managers and a long list of contractors with a contract
All contractors have a contract with Affiliated Management,
many have been used for years or even decades

See our FAQ page for more information

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