Below is the most current information about apartment availability at Lord Essex Apartments, 345 Claremont Ave, Montclair. If you have any questions that are not answered on this web site, contact the Resident Managers.

If the type of apartment that you are looking for is not listed, we can add you to a waiting list of people to be contacted when one becomes available.

Sorry, all of our apartments are currently leased and no one is set to move out.

Check back later, this page is updated by the Resident Managers on the same day that we find out that someone is moving out.

Scroll down to the bottom to see other Affiliated Management-managed properties that are close to Lord Essex Apartments.

Lord Essex Apartments has it's own web site because one of the Resident Managers is a computer engineer who has created or hosted hundreds of web sites. For most properties (apartment buildings or multi-building apartment complexes), the best place to find information and a contact e-mail address or phone number is the Affiliated Management web site.

Other properties

Affiliated Management manages apartment complexes all over the area. To find out what other properties have openings available, either e-mail webrentals at affiliatedmgmt dot com, or call 973-992-1555 (M-F 9a-5p) and select the Rentals extension. For a list of properties, go to → APARTMENTS.

Aside from what is listed below in Montclair and Verona, for other nearby properties, look for:

If you are interested in a property that is not listed on the Affiliated Management web site, such as 73 Grove St in Montclair, contact the office for details.

Affiliated Management can provide a list of properties with openings, but you will need to contact the property directly to make an appointment to see and apply for an available apartment.

Resident Managers only deal directly with potential renters. Agents can give them our contact information, but the potential renter must come for the showing, fill out the paperwork themselves, be in direct contact with us.

Below are some other Affiliated Management managed properties near Lord Essex Apartments. If it has less than 50 apartments, it is a part-time second job, so the Resident Manager may be out part of the day. Smaller properties may not have an on-site rental office. Some, may not have an on-site Resident Manager apartment. Call to schedule an appointment (don't just go there).

[ Montclair Mews ]
Montclair Mews (20

77 Grove St, Montclair
Resident Manager: Sonny
~ 1 mile away from Lord Essex

[ Museum Commons ]
Museum Commons (29)

828 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair
Resident Manager: Sweeny
Opposite side of Bloomfield Ave from us, 2 blocks from Monclair Art Museum

[ The Midland Apartments ]
The Midland Apartments (71)

180 Walnut St, Montclair
Resident Manager: Sonny
At the corner of Walnut St and Midland Ave
From LE: 3-1/2 blocks east, 1 block north

[ Church Street Plaza ]
Church Street Plaza (88+12c)

45 Church St, Montclair
Resident Manager: Armin
Highrise building with shops at street level
Located at Church St and Park St

[ 73-75 Grove St ]
73 Grove St (49)

73-75 Grove St, Montclair
Resident Manager: Arjan
Highrise building taken over 2019/2020
Located next to Montclair Mews on Grove St

[ East Lincoln ]
East Lincoln (18)

1 East Lincoln St, Verona
Resident Manager: Frank
At the corner of Bloomfield Ave and East Lincoln St; businesses at street level, apartments above