The virus:Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
The disease:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Last updated: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 11:54pm

COVID-19 information by phone
General questions:
Call 211 7am-11pm
Clinical questions:
Call 1-800-962-1253 24/7
Receive alerts:
Text NJCOVID to 898-211
Vaccine hotline:
Call 855-568-0545



If you feel sick

General coronavirus resources

Where to get COVID-19 news updates

Twitter feeds with information

Limited-availability products

Hand sanitizer, Lysol, toilet paper, ...

Rent and utility assistance

Food, beverage pickup/delivery

Online grocery shopping for delivery, if you can get a timeslot...
Review our restaurants page for specific restaurants, most specify closed|delivery|pickup on their web site, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Emergency Food Assistance (for you)
Donate to deliver to healthcare workers

Where to get masks

Multi-layer cloth masks are good enough to hold in your sneeze and cough droplets and keep out someone else's. There are disposable masks, and there are typically more comfortable reusable cloth masks, some of which are machine washable. There are standards for respirator masks used by medical professionals or people in commercial/industrial environments. N95 is a standard in the USA, while similar or equivalent ones like KN95 is a standard in China, and FFP2 is a standard in Europe. While N95 masks are reserved for front line workers during the pandemic, you can easily find KN95 masks.

General places that you may find some

Voting by mail or secured ballot box

04/21/2020: Voter registration deadline for May 12th municipal elections
05/12/2020: Municipal non-partisan elections
10/15/2020: Voter registration deadline for general election
11/03/2020: General election

Specific news